Monday 31 March 2014

Violets - white and violet, sweet and dog

I have a migraine today which makes my brain work very slowly – if at all – so I won’t do much here except to bring you some more pictures of spring flowers.

Here is a white version of violet which I photographed at the weekend on a bank next to our local canal.

There are two types of violet – the ‘sweet’ kind which is scented and the ‘dog’ kind which isn’t. According to one of my wildflower books, bees love the nectar of sweet violet. I couldn’t detect any scent on these flowers, but here is a bee on one. (Sorry it's a bit fuzzy. As you can see, I still haven’t got the hang of taking close-ups.)

Here are some violet violets which I photographed at the end of April last year near the River Otter (for one of my contributions to Favourite Walks in Devon).

It was a beautiful sunny day

With our old friend, stitchwort

The hedge was full of them


  1. Having a breather and dipped in to your blog for some refreshment - thank you! We saw a wonderful bank of wild violets on Anstey Moor last month; nature gets the blend of colours so right.

  2. Good to hear from you KG - and I do so agree with you about nature's colour combinations.
